I would like to ad having been a longtime fannof marlin bolt rimfires, this bolt on this brand new xp is crude at best? Rough as hell and alot of ejecti n g problems and load jamming problems. Still decently accurate, but nothing like my older 22 mag883 or 882 or the 917v. Maybe the crappy Bushnell rimfire scope

I seen this first hand and all to common an experience. Those who dont know or care,may keep the product line alive - does it matter?

As far as thundercrap/dud (Ha I like that) shooting poorly or dirty or misfires, vs golden looking good. That is just a snap shop and nothing I would take to the bank. If you see the name CCI on the box you can expect reasonable quality. That is a big difference, gun individual preferences aside. I would not even be interested in sampling any ammo in a green box.

For 36 hP hunting loads, the minimags seem to do well across the board (with friends and club members) and quality appears to be very consistent. You can buy with confidence, unless Remington aquires that brand and then watch out.

At this point, I would rather see "China" on a box than "Illion NY". What a shame.