Originally Posted by rost495
Nope, all in all the hours spent on the road are more dangerous.

How many friends have you lost? We can compare to how many dead bodies I"ve pulled out of vehicles? I"ve pulled 6 dead ones out in the last 2 weeks...

Yes on shooting bears, but then certain scenarios that folks should walk away from IMHO. But when you push things...

How many bowhunters have you had to shoot bears for?

Not stirring the pot either, just a simple observation overall and a serious set of questions.

If you only include major airlines you are correct... start talking bush flying and all that goes out the window PER MANHOUR IN THE AIR. Step from their to private pilots and the numbers are vastly different.

Far more vehicles pass through your AO everyday than take off from Lake Hood. Got to keep the fruit the same color...

The last pilot/friend fatality was in June.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.