Originally Posted by 458 Lott
I'm sure those a century before us thought the same thing about bolt actions gaining popularity after WWI.

I'd venture to say more "black rifles" are bought by keyboard commandos and wanna be GI Joes than veterans.

That said, the growth in the shooting sports and hence growth in supporters of the 2nd amendment is an upside I'll take over the tinker toy aesthetics.

This. Where I work the Call of duty game shooters, in their thirties and now forties, significantly outnumber the veterans. They are buying up Ar-15s, with only a few going for good bolt guns. Those bolt guns are almost always black as well. It is a fashion choice I have noticed for years. Urban gun shops versus rural gun shops almost always equals Hollywood (Arnold, the Matrix, Fast, any John Woo type movies) versus reality and tradition. But at least the new gun owners are realizing their rights are precious.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe