Originally Posted by rattler

in theory it should work. silver is incredibly toxic to alot of microorganisms severly inhibiting their growth. whether it works in practice or if it does how "hardy" the silver is in fabric form after repeated use I dont know but given some seem to say it works it may be worth a shot, especially if i can find it at a discount some time. buy alot of my stuff like this from Sierra Trading Post as they usually have great sales and i can pick up a load of stuff cheap.

Some is definitely better than others. The Medalist in particular has stood up to a lot of use, and of course laundering (FWIW cold water, plain soap and no tumble drying with any of my hunting gear), as has the Sitka. OTOH I have some Cabelas underwear with a silver treatment which hasn't been nearly as effective in suppressing odour (not a knock on Cabelas, just this particular line which I think has long been replaced)