Originally Posted by CRS
Heavy metal toxicity

Here is one link, google foo it. More info than you care to know.

And yes, gold can be, I had a patient who got very sick after having some gold crowns put in.

Did you read the paper you linked? It says of silver "very high doses" are required to produce acute effects. You actually have to inhale or ingest quite a large amount. Quite a different thing from having tiny quantities of it in fabric next to your skin. Indeed if having it next to your skin was a problem how do you explain the fact that for thousands of years people have worn it in jewellery, including piercings, as well as drinking and eating from silver implements, and yet without reports of adverse health effects?

As for gold crowns, the thing about them is that they are usually made of alloys in which gold is only a minor constituent, and it isn't the gold which is associated with the harm. A bit like saying glass makes you drunk, because booze is served in it.