I am not for immigrants in general unless they bring some skill that is needed. We are full up. Also, what good did it do for all our own parents to follow what the scientists were saying about over-crowding when the damned government who were saying to follow what the scientists were saying, then opened the gates and let out country become just as overcrowded as most others. The whole economic problem today is too few resources for too many folks-just like everywhere else.

That said, I am all for allowing Christians from the Middle East to move here, because they are damned sure in danger where they are at. The whole of the problem is people trying to dance around the religious issue in hopes of claiming our laws are something they are not-perfect. They never have been. The sad fact is that Islam itself is an anathema to both a free society and a safe one. I am a Christian myself and fully hope everybody will accept Christ while knowing that they won't. That said, I feel that anybody should be able to have any religion or no religion that they choose. But if you choose to be a Muslim and go 'round cuttin' off heads and [bleep], then you shouldn't get to come here and live around polite folks who offer you free food and lodging.