Originally Posted by PJGunner
Been there and done that. Diagnose with prostate cancer about 15 years ago. I don't remember the biopsy hurting much. Felt more like a sudden dull ache that went away until the next poke. Was give the choice of radiation, surgery or radioactive seed implantation. I took the implantation. The only problem I had with that was the prostate swelled up enough that I could not urinate and that hurt like hell in a hurry. Quick trip to the ER and had a catheter installed. A royal PITA but at least I didn't hurt. Sure was glad to have it taken out.
A sadder story though, my step son has stage 4 prostate cancer. He hated going to doctors and when he thought he hurt himself body building, he thought the pain was from straining something in his back so he goes to a chiropractor with no help. keeps on body building and ignored the pain and advice from his mother and I to see a doctor just in case. Finally he's forced to see one as the company he works for had just instituted a policy that employees get a regular year physical. That's how he found out about the cancer and that it had spread to his bones. He was at the time of discovery given 6 months to a year to live. That was two years ago. His last PSA test had dropped down to 7 from a high of 12. Hope springs eternal and we love him very much. I'll give him credit for this. He'll fight it to his very last breath.
Any prayers sent his way would be appreciated.
Paul B.

Prayers sent, for sure.