Originally Posted by tommyd53
I had my annual check with my Urologist last week. He said my PSA blood count had moved up enough since last year, that he thought it warranted a biopsy of my prostate to check for cancer. Anyone here ever been through it? He explained the procedure, but I think they always try to make it sound rosier than it actually is. Just looking for comments from those that have been through it. I worked with a guy several years ago, that went through it. He said it was painful. Maybe techniques have changed since then?

Just an update: I had the biopsy on Monday, the 14th. The procedure was pretty much like you all had told me it would be. I think maybe the numbing agent he used hadn't fully taken affect when he did the first sample, since that was really the only one that I felt. The others were just a dull thud. It does sound like a staple gun going off. Some blood in the urine and stools for a couple days, and that's about it. Pretty painless experience.
The Doctor called last night to set up a consult on the biopsy findings, and while he didn't go into a lot of detail, I asked if he'd give me a quick run down. He said 1 of the 12 samples did show cancer. He said it was a "low-grade, non-aggressive" type. He said we will discuss treatment options when we sit down later next week. I know he was just reading the report as we were talking and had not formulated a plan yet. He did say one option might be to not do anything right now, except to monitor it, and do another biopsy in 9-12 months. I'm looking forward to our formal consultation, so I'll know exactly where I stand, and where I'm headed.