I saw his face on Fox this morning with "Fox News Contributor" under his picture. His name is Robert Jeffress and he is Pastor of First Baptist in Dallas, a position which often leads to being named President of the Southern Baptist Convention.

He was pretty good at self-promotion when he was Pastor at First Baptist in Wichita Falls, Tx. When the book promoting homosexuality,"Heather has Two Mommies" was published, Jeffress put together a campaign asking people to check out the book and not return it.

I doubt most folks would have heard of it if not for him, so he sure helped the book's sales.

A few years ago, my wife and I decided to attend Sunday morning Easter services at his church in W.F., figuring we would see some of the pageantry, and hear some of the music that large Baptist churches commonly put on at Easter.

Instead, the ENTIRE service consisted of watching a really professionally crafted video of the Architect's drawings of a new Mega- Bld'g planned to be built next door. Of course there was a solicitation for pledges, and all the money collected that morning was dedicated to the new building.

That was it. No Easter sermon. No Easter music by the choir. Just a pitch for money.

I reckon it was successful since the new bldg was built and " The Lord called Brother Jeffress to First Baptist in Dallas".

And now he's on Fox.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place