Originally Posted by NathanL
It's signed, but it limits the total to 10,000 1911's. They'll probably do the like the M1 carbines the CMP did and have them on auction and none of them went cheap.

Where did you read a 10,000 limit?

NRA says military has 100K no longer needed.

Rounding out the list of pro-gun provisions is section 1087, which restores authorization to the Secretary of Defense to transfer to the Civilian Marksmanship Program surplus M1911 and M1911A1 .45 ACP pistols for sale to the public. The component of the CMP that dispenses the pistols would be required to obtain a federal firearms license and abide by all requirements of the Gun Control Act pertaining to licensed sales and transfers. Currently, the military has some 100,000 such pistols that it no longer needs and that are being stored as taxpayer expense. These historically-significant firearms can now be transferred to law-abiding owners at a net gain to the government’s heavily-indebted balance sheet