Originally Posted by djs
Originally Posted by rost495
I'm still waiting for someone to point out in the bible how this sin is different from other sin....

Sin is sin, but how is sin defined? Is it in the mind of the beholder or defined in the "Big Book of Fairy "ales"? Not all believe in the "Big Book of Fairy Tales", so why should the believers inflict their beliefs on the rest?

And this includes categories such as:
- Alcohol
- Abortion
- Homosexuality
- Hunting
- Color of your auto
- Religion
- Morality
- etc.
- etc.

Why not just live and let live? Believe what you want, but don't inflict it on others.

You ask “how is sin defined?”

If it is defined in the mind of the beholder then sin can be whatever one wants it to be. I could decide that it is sin for you to rob me but it is not sin for me to rob you. Nah, maybe that doesn’t work too well.

As defined in the Big Book, sin would be that thought, word, act or deed that is not in line with or endorsed by God. Yep, have to refer to the Big Book for that. The Big Book and the attendant “Judeo-Christian” ethic has been around for centuries. But if you don’t follow after God and the Big Book, you can leave it behind.

So, how about “societal norms?” Let “society” decide. So, sin in a society dominated by ISIS for example, could be very different from sin in the US. So, sin is a variable. A variable? Nah, that does not work for me. Maybe for you but not for me.

Maybe one could pick and choose what is “sin” and then also kinda pick and choose what “societal norms” one would maintain compliance with? What’s wrong with that? Besides, if one can “get away with it” then why not choose what to obey and what not to obey and just try not to get caught? One might say “I am my own judge anyway, so why not?” There are no consequences if “I don’t get caught.” One could let HIS OWN conscience be his guide. Many subscribe to the personal convenience of this.

What about the consequences of sin? Accountability? Accountable to who? Accountable to yourself alone? Seems circular to me. Goes nowhere. How about accountable to “society.” Well, ok, we certainly have that today. “Sin” or at least lawbreaking certainly does have consequences. This is a logical end point for many. They let “society” tell them what is ok and what is not ok. They bend their thinking to what they see in the world. This works well for most sheep and they seem content with it. Accountable to “society” leaves me wondering about what if “society’ is wrong? Is it ok to follow the herd?

But wait, what if there is a Creator and what if we, as his creation, are accountable to God and subject to some future judgement. A judgment where one must give an accounting of his life to a righteous and all knowing judge. It may be that “sin” is a more serious subject than we would like it to be.


so, djs, what do you think is sin?

The tax collector said: “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus said he went home “justified.”