there was one floating around on you tube a number of years ago, a friend up in Quebec sent to me.... a passenger was filming their ride in a car, and caught were a Semi Was merging over to the right lane and some on a crotch rocket was flying up and passing traffic in the left lane ( which remember is the right lane over there, as they drive on the opposite side of the road)...

the camera caught the motorcycle slamming on the breaks as the truck cut in front of him as he was flying up, and the back two sets of wheels from the trailer ran over this guy...

it even had live footage of the remains of this guy's body and organs splattered all over the trailer and its rear tires....

wasn't a pretty sight.... but very colorful....

When I ride a motorcycle, I'm a "Driving Ms Daisy" kind of rider...figure I'm invisible to anything with more than two wheels...