Originally Posted by northern_dave
I'm so sick of all the skeleton digging that goes on leading up to these elections.

There is no perfect candidate. But for the love of god (and country), please don't sit on your hands just because "your guy" didn't get the nomination.

I am still in disbelief that the last election gave us barry part 2. I mean seriously, I still don't freaking believe it. There was just enough bitter old bastards that stayed home because they couldn't cast a vote for Romney. I guess you guys showed everybody huh?

Now we've got what looks like Trump, Cruz, Rubio. Who knows, maybe someone else will rise to the top yet. But right now those are the 3. I'm not personally crazy about either one of them, not completely anyways.

But this "I won't vote then" crap doesn't help anything.

Hilary wants to appoint obama to the supreme court.

This one word really should be all the motivation necessary to make a stubborn man hold his nose and pull that not perfect red lever.


I'm another Minnesotan with you Dave.
You guys can piss and moan as much as you want, but if your guy/gal is not the nominee, get over it and help save the country. Any of the R candidates are light years ahead of the crap the dems are putting up. Get out nd vote and take many like minded people with you to vote.

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