As I live in a state with 3 Electoral votes, my vote truly DOES NOT count for anything. Our state as a whole( TETON CO. is an LA suburb) voted red. I do not like the cast of persons to choose from in the Red party .
I say all that to say I am pulling the RED lever not for our candidates but against the blue candidates.
The Bible makes no mention of the Great American empire from the West in the Book of Revelation. I believe we are seeing why that is so.
Our vote has to be for the Future. SCOTUS judges and to keep Zero from having a job in international affairs.

P.S. Why would anyone with integrity and genuine intelligence spend up to a billion dollars to get a stressful job that pays $440k a year. Other then stroke their EGO or to act GOD like.
This is why our candidates are never quality persons for the job......

Last edited by wyoming260; 02/04/16.