Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by wyolipripper
Thanks for everyone taking the time to respond to this post.
I will be looking into the outfitters mentioned above.
If we do this trip I am going make sure I am in great shape.

All the outfitters promise big things but I am really looking for first hand knowledge of a hunt. Raft float hunt vs a lake drop vs a regular drop camp.


I strongly suggest you drop the float trip plan if you are not very experienced rafting rivers. Just a little bad luck can leave you in a very bad place, quickly. And you will be dealing with others of questionable experience...

everybody that does it twice has survived their first one

but SD is giving good advice, a 100 miles from any help is a bad place to be experiencing a learning curve.

and I'll add this while I enjoy float hunting and have done a fair bit of it up here

it's a lot of freaking work

particularly if you take game, floating one of the northern rivers we took two moose and a grizzly with two guys on each raft that was plenty of a load with camp gear.

both moose were taken fairly early in the hunt, so every night we stopped to hunt, build a meat rack, set up camp, then worry about getting folks fed.

take it all down in the morning, rinse, lather and repeat.

not every one hangs their meat, but I hunt to eat. Plus I don't want bloody meat on my transportation to my pickup point. They do have bears here and they like an easy meal as well as the next guy. Serving it up to them on a non puncture proof plate never made sense to me.

in fact we had a rogue bear on one hunt and one of the guys I hunted with couldn't sleep in a tent very well for a few seasons. I'm glad I'd built two tripods and hung our meat, it was a PITA to set them back up and rehang meat, but I hate to think what our rafts would have looked like if we'd left meat upon them! eek

also when I turned the oars over to one of the novice float hunters, he was amazed how much effort it took to keep us on an easy stretch of the river we were on. Prior to that point I'd been gettin a workout moving those oars and keeping us in the channels and out of sweepers, rocks and shallow water that hangs you up.

not trying to dissuade you, just feel like you should have your eyes open to what you might be getting into.

if you've rafted a good bit of fast water, you're probably good to go

if you haven't, 100 miles from help is a chitty place to be figuring it out.

hope you guys have a great hunt whatever you decide to do.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.