Originally Posted by jorgeI

A couple of points:
I don't think he was such a bad president. He was handed a schit sandwich with 9/11, and along with the likes of RP, did try and stop the mortgage train wreck which most agree, was the catalyst for the crash.

The media set out to vilify him from day one, and it's a pretty sure bet that as "bad" as you say GWB , Gore would have been better? The rest is pure conjecture. What remains a FACT, is a no or "protest" vote for a kook-candidate, helps the other side..

A president who doubles our national debt, pushes for amnesty for illegals(twice), attacks the wrong country and then proceeds to spend hundreds of billions to rebuild for them(instead of taking their oil) and tries to sell our ports to terrorist middle east countries is not someone I hold any admiration for. He's about 2 pegs below Obama on the schitt chart.

Like I said, I'm holding out for something better.