Originally Posted by Klikitarik

Originally Posted by akjeff
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
Papa Pilgrim and the wolverine clan (Alaska Bush people) are certainly not the only ones who have come to Alaska lured by PFD's. I've known a fair number of families where the dad did cash under the table jobs, WIC paid for their food, Denali kid care covered medical, they were collecting thousands from their kids being enrolled in home school programs and they'd use their PFD's for annual trips to Hawaii.

I'm all for helping those who can't help themselves, but I'd venture to guess the majority of the folks taking public services won't help themselves rather than can't help themselves.




It almost sound like there are there Alaskas in a sense. There are the urban folks (of all types) who can and will find productive means of sustenance. Then there are those who live essentially where they and their families have been born for countless generations - and, by and large, they work and struggle to survive - with the usual percentage that one finds anywhere who aren't worth their weight in dung as far their contribution to staying alive goes. And then there's a somewhat nebulous bunch who apparently live some sort of contrived form of "off the grid" living- but they seem to think "off the grid" means monthly Vegas checks is part of the game. I don't really know or understand much about this latter apparent bunch, but it sounds like some do, and I don't like the sound of it.

It is a tough nut to crack when the question turns to the relative value of an individual in question versus a bag of dung...

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.