Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by ltppowell
Who did it work for? McCain? Romney?

They didn't win the middle at all. Romney was kneecapped from the get-go, and McLame ran the worst campaign in modern history.

Exit polls say they did.

Obama had the excitement and momentum behind him with McCain, and also turned out the vote in a big way against Romney. McCain's only excitement on his side of the ticket was Palin. Romney had no excitement behind his campaign at all.

If you don't go with the guy who has the excitement and momentum, then you're backing a candidate that can't get out the vote in large numbers. That is why independents and conservatives didn't show up for the R's in '08 and '12. Not a doctrine issue as much as a momentum issue. With no excitement, the voters stay home.