Originally Posted by Calvin
It's impossible to lay out one strategy for retirement. Everybody has different wants/needs for retirement. My wife and I are so cheap that we honestly couldn't cut anything from our budget in retirement. Our cheap living has enabled us to have a very nice lifestyle though with more "toys" bought with cash than people who make 2-3x more than us. My wife doesn't even work, stays home with the kiddos. We honestly cannot stand pissing away money, (my wife is cheaper than I am) and people don't believe us when we tell them what we live on. We do buy assets though, with cash. Cash means little, net worth means everything.

My plan is to get the house paid off ASAP. I could pay it off now, but have $ tied up in other things. Then, buy another house in Arizona, sun city, and then get that paid off ASAP. Buy a quality fishing boat in AZ while saving money. Meanwhile, I'll keep buying assets, whether they are in the market or boats, permits, etc. When retirement comes, life won't be much different than it is now. I will go fishing everyday until health wont' let me or I die.

Sun City, AZ? Yikes.
Sounds like you have a solid plan though! Fishing is never a bad way to spend a day. Whether your next or last.

“Life is life and fun is fun, but it's all so quiet when the goldfish die.”