Yes, I agree that there is a big difference between rural and urban people, but with more access to technology and drugs, particularly meth, some of the more negative aspects of the gap are closing rapidly.

I was raised in a small town of about 50 sq miles that had 2 gas stations, a convenience store and a general store, but didn't have any stop lights. About one-half of the population of 2,000 lived in the 2 small villages, with the other half scattered in small farms and homes built on small lots in the country. My boyhood home was a small farm that consisted of a 40 acre heritage apple orchard, my Mother's hobby, about 100 acres of hay pasture, and another 180 acres of wood lot; mostly ash, beech, maple, with a scattering of butternut, cherry, and white pine.

A few of the boys who I went to school with hunted and/or fished, but few were passionate about either. Still, probably 20% of the boys in each class took the opening day of deer season off to hunt with their families and many of them received rifles as birthday and Christmas gifts. I received a Nylon 66 one Christmas and a couple of years later received my initial issue of deer hunting rifles, a Remington 660 in 6mm and a Ruger 44 International.

When I was a boy, we spent a fair amount of our free time fishing and hunting and there were always kids fishing for trout in the nearby brook. In contrast, when I was settling my Mother's estate in 2004, I only ran into 2 boy along that little trout brook, but they were smoking pot, not fishing.

Regarding Bruce Jenner, it wouldn't surprise me if his entire gender switch turns out to be a scheme to keep cash flowing into the Jenner/Kardashian clan's bank accounts.