Originally Posted by elchjager

So... I am considering adding some kind of optic improvement to this 1899. I had read that some older eyes were doing well with a tang sight... the longer sight radius was keeping things in focus for them.

Or, I could just get this vintage K4 as I am already drilled and tapped... Weaver K4



The longer sight radius when using a tang sight has nothing to do with focusing light. The aperture in a peep sight does the focusing, so to speak. The smaller the aperture, the sharper (but dimmer) the image- the same effect you get with a camera when you stop the lens down from f1.8 to f22, say. It increases your depth of field- more stuff is in focus over a longer distance.

There are a few ways to stay in the iron sight game with aging eyes. Bounce the problem off your optometrist the next time you see him. Also try the old trick of piercing a tiny hole in a piece of electricians tape and slap it on the lens of your shooting glasses in front of your dominant/shooting eye. The tiny hole will have the same effect as a the aforementioned aperture business- it'll sharpen the image of your sight picture.

Last edited by gnoahhh; 02/29/16.

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