Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by gitem_12
Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by GunGeek
Originally Posted by MOGC
How is it that a feller needs to keep track of that extra round often enough that it's a pain in the rear? Are you unloading and loading daily?
Yes. Chambered when I carry, condition 3 at home.

Too much manipulation for my taste.


Get a pistol safe and stowe it loaded.

As far as the "keeping track of the single round,on the range

I've never even given it a thought. Drop my carry mags and +1 in a pouch on my range bag and start loading practice rounds

Well you guys just do it your way, I'll do it my way. I dry fire practice pretty much every night, so the manipulation is gonna happen either way. Been doing it this way for 30 years, not about to change because it doesn't work for you.

I certainly don't think you should change. I used to do much the same, but at some point I got uncomfortable with the daily loading/unloading. Part of the issue for me has to do with my lack of routine sleep schedule. Part of it waa I was going through more factory ammo than I cared to (since I usually tossed the chamber round in the range ammo bucket). I prefer to use a gun I am not currently carrying but has the same trigger system for routine dry-fire practice. I know that I have to practice more care than some to avoid accidents. Witness, my hand. I shouldn't have just thrown that out there with no explanation.

Mojo - nothing crazy about it. You do what is right for you.

Last edited by FreeMe; 05/05/16.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.