Something fishy going on here. wink Okay, first there's this thread started last spring. Then earlier this spring there is a "What should I plant" thread. Now I'm seeing expansive views of said planted fields from the window (shooting port). Me thinks we are looking at a world class tree fort (blind), over-looking PWM's (Old Man Shaw's) kingdom (food plot). grin

A few construction suggestions:

Large skylights such as those are hard to keep water tight.

The boy is going to need a quick get-a-away in case the Bat Signal is shown or mom calls for supper. I'm thinking 2" jute rope.

Gonna need a haul line with milk crate too. Helps to bring up important items needed to complete the missions - flashlights, telescopes, walkie-talkies, and P,B, & J sammiches.

Obviously, you'll have to run it by the project manager and get a change work order.

Good luck and can't wait to see the finished product.

"A Republic, if you can keep it." ~ B. Franklin