Originally Posted by northern_dave
I just see this as my last chance for this tree house project. Joey is 11 now and if I wait any longer he may not be interested.

I've talked about this for a while and now I pretty much have to make the time for it because the window is closing on this opportunity.

I'm really glad we are doing it, its a lot of fun and he's following me around like a shadow.

I'm learning that it works well to just sort of think out loud when you work with a kid on a project. That way you are teaching them more stuff.

They don't know what you are looking for when you sight down the length of a board. But when you don't and say "what I'm doing now is looking for a crown in this board. And I don't mean like a king's crown, a crown in a board is the outside of a bend, see? Look down the board, see the crown?"

And so on.

There ate hundreds of little tips you can pass along rather than just doing stuff for a kid.

That's the tricky part for me. I'm getting better at it. Its easier when you can see that they are hanging on your every word and soaking it all in.

Its very lucky for me that joey is really into it.

My little helper is going to help me build a new BBQ cooker for at home here when this tree fort is done.

Well said, Well done!

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson

GeoW, The "Unwoke" ...Let's go Brandon!

"A Well Regulated Militia" Life Member