
there are no words to begin to express what I feel for your family, your loss, mixed in with the deepest respect for your son and his service.

This entire crap with the VA Nationwide.. seems to have happened with the Afro President in office, but then what have our Republican ran Senate and Congress done about it...

That is a damned shame.....

yet on the flip side, we have a friend who was from Massachusetts, that is disabled Army, and lived out here for quite a while... when her dad got sick, she went back home to Massachusetts....

She went round and round with the VA out here for 8 years to get her benefits, 250 mile trips to Portland ( one way), and lord knows how many 200 mile trips up to the Roseburg VA in Roseburg OR...

When she returned home to New England, she went down and saw a VA REP there, to pick up the claim process again.. what she couldn't get done in Oregon in 8 years, she got taken care of in 72 hours in Massachusetts... plus the woman at the VA got her ALL the back pay, from when she first filed her claim... it added well over $100K.

It just amazes me that this can take place at one VA facility in ONE state an then so many others are Red Tape Bureaucratic Hell in others.

Your son's widow deserves ALOT more than what she's experiencing.. and your Son...may God Bless him, and I pray he's in a place where he will only know peace for the rest of eternity.