Originally Posted by Rye77
I have to say, slightly off topic, that I am a bit taken back by the apparent racism that exist on this forum. Does it really matter what color the person singing is? Are white folk not just as guilty of fuggin' up the Anthem? I seem to recall a string of them that bobbled the words, forgot words, sung off key...

It's one of the hardest pieces of music in the world to get correct because it wasn't written correctly to begin with. It was a poem set to music, not lyrics written to notes. I am not giving them a pass on the personal liberties taken with it, but I will say the darkie comment is just plain sh*t.
It's true that a few here are very racist. However, there are many others who aren't so much total racists but are fighting back against the deep racism coming from the white house, news media, and Black Lives Matter. I've had the acquaintance of some very good black folks over the years but I highly resent what's now being crammed down our throats by the liberals and black racists.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.