They all inspired me in one way or another. A few, who knew not what they were talking about, were my inspiration to start writing.

I considered Finn Aagaard a personal friend and liked the way he simply wrote what he knew to be true, or else stated where he got the information and why he thought it important. I appreciated his honesty and loyalty to his readers - over those of the advertisers, and editors. Which is what got him uninvited from a number of industry sponsered events and eventually fired from the NRA.

After all, a man has to look at himself in the mirror once in awhile.

I am often asked if I know, or knew, so and so and what they are like ? I base my opinion only partially on what they know or how well they write. Those unfortunately don't always correspond!
I judge a writer by whether or not I would choose to share a hunting camp with them, and by that measure there are only a handful of favorites.

Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master Guide,
Alaska Hunter Ed Instructor
FAA Master pilot

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is not effective has either not used one, or else is unwittingly commenting on their marksmanship.