I never heard the term "Bushcraft" until a few years ago floating around on the Internet.

From my early youth until today it has always been "camping." As in, "Hey, you guys wanna go camping this weekend?"

"Sure thing."

"Okay, grab your stuff and we'll leave Saturday morning."

That was about it. Our "stuff" consisted of old Army blankets, a couple surplus Army shelter halves, a few cooking utensils lifted from mom's kitchen, a fishing rod and reel, a .22 or .410 shotgun and we were good to go. I had a good Camillus Stockman pocket knife and an old butcher knife my mother donated to the cause. Always had a full Zippo and jar full of strike-anywhere matches and a few Band Aids. Never needed anything else. Some food items and what a great weekend we would have "camping."

Maybe I should get with the program and do some "bushcrafting" so I can be in the in crowd. grin


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)