I am ready to trip the trigger on a new DSLR. I have decided on the Nikon D5500 24 mp.

There seem to be about as many kit combos as there are dealers available. Several show a Nikon Af-s 18-55mm VR II with a Nikon AF-s 55-300 VR.

And I think this is the set I want for use taking photos of the grandkids across an athletic field or gymnasium.

But some of the combos offer a 70-300 mm Tamron lens, or a 70-300 mm Sigma lens. How can I determine if the listed Tamron/Sigma lens has auto focus or image stabilization?

And a couple of bundles included a long zoom lens ie 300-600 mm with a corresponding high f number. Are the inexpensive 300 mm plus zooms a complete waste of money?

I assume they would unusable except in the brightest of sunlight.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.