There's two kinds of photo's you can take. Photo's that please you and other's you might show them to and photo's taken for other photographer's! Other photographer's about 99% of the time can always find something in a photo that they think would make it better! Nature of the beast< looking for perfection!You can chase that goal but probably never catch it. In the soft photo of your grand daughter, you could probably fix i quite a bit with a bit of editing. I know on a photo site I'm on, even the best photographer' claim every photo need's editing, they are looking for what they would like to think they saw rather than what they really saw! I have been amazed at what some of them found fault with and some they didn't! If you get caught up in that, your gonna have all kinds of money tied up in chasing perfection that probably doesn't really exist, using equipment you don't really have the skill to take advantage of! I think I'd go with what you have now and learn to make them work, I don't think they are really all that bad. Especially starting out, don't fault the equipment, it's more likely the operator!

Last edited by DonFischer; 07/01/16.