Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Doc, As always your input and experience is an invaluable asset here and appreciated. I agree with you that most doctors hate addiction and are definitely sharing a disproportionate amount of blame. However in the recent past there were a lot more of them that were directly responsible for over prescribing opioids.

Thanks for the kind words, truly.

And thanks for noting that there are a lot of dirtbag doctors out there who are NOT like the majority of us, who profit from drug trafficking. I'm sorry to say there's more than a few of them. The Texas Medical Board publishes its disciplinary records every month, and there's invariable a dozen or more docs being censured, suspended, or revoked for crossing that line.

But for every doc who deliberately crosses the line, there are 20 who get scammed by patients or even their own staff members. A doc I know that works out here had a young gal he hired (who, as it turned out, was planted there by her boyfriend, a higher-up in the local drug-dealing motorcycle gang) scam tens of thousands of tablets of hydrocodone using his prescription forms in a matter of weeks. It happens all the time.

"I'm gonna have to science the schit out of this." Mark Watney, Sol 59, Mars