I don't really have a problem with immigration

I do believe what makes America great is the melting pot, and the drive of people to better themselves with the promise of opportunity that America provides.

But you can't just open the border of Mexico and let huge sections of the country turn Latino

that isn't melting pot, that is Mexico exporting their poverty here wholesale. We should be punishing Mexico severely for doing this to the U.S.A.

Instead we reward them with factories, aid and logistics support.

And as far as Muslims go, its pretty simple - in small numbers they can do little harm, but when they can become voting blocks they are going to revert to their natural state - that of Sharia Law

Islam is not compatible with any form of Western Democracy.

Anyone who says otherwise is threatening the security and stability of this country.

Last edited by KFWA; 06/24/16.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings