Originally Posted by 12344mag

I am now witnessing people who I have seen to have no prejudices now referring to Blacks as the n-word. Zero has done the Black population no favors and has sent them back into the last century.

I patrol one of the black ares of San Francisco, the notorious Bayview(formerly known as the Potrero). It stretches from the baseball park in the north to the former Candlestick park area in the south. It is locally know for three housing projects: The Potrero Hill Projects, Hunters Point, and Double Rock. It is "dark and scary", though nothing like East St. Louis.

Three times last week Black people approached when no one was around and thanked me for being there. One guy announced, "I have faith in you." Most of the angry types that glared or shouted "Black Live Matter" were young, thuggish, and stupid.

So there are more than a few Black people living among Black people who are afraid. This President has done them no favors for enabling this mess. He really hasn't done anything to fix their lives either, unless they are transgender.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe