Originally Posted by RockyRaab
I lived the first half of my life in Illinois, Texas, Mississippi and Florida. That is not "air" you poor bastids breathe; it's hot Jello.

When my family and I arrived in Ogden almost exactly 31 years ago (July 31st, 1985) the radio announced "It's 105 degrees and the humidity is way up there at five." My girls just about giggled themselves silly. Having just driven in from Florida via Texas, they could not believe the difference lack of humidity makes.

So don't try to tell me there's no truth behind heat index or "feels like" ratings.

At least in the summer, if it is a 110 here, the "heat index" is 110...

in the winter, when the temp is 30, the "wind chill" is 30...

I don't miss Minnesota, or even metro DC & Northern VA when it comes to weather...

its been pretty mild since I got back from Quemado.