I could send you some alkanet. Better to make your own and do a big batch so you can play around with different dilutions of turpentine to oil. Once you have one you like mix plenty so you don't have to use a different batch on the same stock.

Best info is on the Double Gun forum. It is interesting stuff it is both a dye and a stain. It looks terrible at first and then when finished brings out the grain like nothing else. Go easy with a more diluted mix. You can add a little to each stage of the finishing to get deeper color.

You can get the raw alkanet root from herbal, candle and soap making places on line.

But go with whatever D'Arcy recommends.

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred." Niccolo Machiavelli