Had a chance to leopard hunt for the trophy fee only when in Zim 2 years ago, with a PH in the party who has at least 120 in the bag by now. But I was there for ele and passed on the leopard. The cats have not called to me on either side of the Atlantic so far. YMMV

I'd go for the sable, but I'm biased as I hope to have a chance at one before kicking the bucket for the last time. I know you're headed to Zambia but if I were after a great sable I'd look at Moz Coutada10. Plentiful and quite good horns. Out party brought back 3 in in 12 days, including one with a bow. Just my 2 cents as I near the dusk of a hunting career.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty of give me death! P. Henry

Deus vult!

Rhodesians all now