Originally Posted by broomd
Originally Posted by SakoAV
Lyin' Ted should be deported. He's symptomatic of sociopathy.

Texans ain't about to be burned twice by the same snake oil salesman.

Lyin's Ted is as bad as Romney.

I hope President Trump puts 'em both on the far side of his tall wall.

Total bulls*t.."Lyin Ted"....laffin.

A figment of Trump's imagination. I voted for Cruz, he was the most qualified and grounded in the actual constitution.

That said, I hope Perry runs and grinds him to dust...and I hope that Trump is our next POTUS.
When Cruz refused to endorse he made it about himself.
He and butt-hurt butt-buddy Glen Beck can GFT.

I'll dance a jig if Cruz goes down.

No. You voted for Lyin' Ted because you're not conservative. You're in good company. There are lots of neocons like you on the 'fire. Grab a cold one, a log, pull up a chair, and tell us how you're willing to bring our boys home in caskets fighting neocons' wars of intervention that have chit to do with the USA.

One thing's for sure: you'll be fooled again.