Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by RickyD
Basically, Cruz destroyed his political viability by lying about Ben Carson's departure during the Iowa Primary.
Cruz never said anything about Carson leaving the campaign. First CNN did then his campaign manager sent info to some precinct captains and Rep.Steven King tweeted it out. Cruz didn't know a thing about it before that. Neither did Trump but that didn't stop him from branding Cruz a liar. Trump was the one lying. But you likely know all that and just can't stop lying yourself.

So,..you're saying that you're too stupid to understand that a candidates campaign staff doesn't do anything without the okay of the candidate.

That's what you want everyone on here to know?

NO, your too stupid to understand that Cruz did not okay what a few on his staff did and he corrected the error when he heard about it.
It had no effect on the Iowa race and Lying Ass Trump is now apologizing for his own Iowa lies.

Do you think that the more correct answer is you were duped by a sociopath? I'm goinn' with that one.

If Lyin' Ted's own wife can't trust him, why should Americans?