only Muslins can totally and finally defeat Radical Muslins
I have to disagree.

At it's core Islam is hate and death. Sure feel good verses can be mined here and there, but the example set by their "prophet" was one of murder, annihilation, brutality, coercion, misogyny, pedophilia, intolerance and hatred. Combine those undeniable historical facts with the verses that promote the same, and islam in any guise becomes incompatible with civilization.

Moderates become "radicalized" when the percentage of muslims reach an even a relatively low level in a society. Islam must be confined and dealt with harshly when it attempts to leave it's boundaries. That has been proven time and time again and is being demonstrated again today, along with the idiocy of liberalism in a dual showing of the result of abject evil meeting abject stupidity.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.