Originally Posted by BOWSINGER

Moderate Muslins can build my trust by putting their money where their mouth is. Billboards ain't gonna cut it.

There is over one billion of them in the world and they need to put an army in the battle. Backing the Kurds would be a good start.

We can easily blow ISIS to Kingdom Come, but only Muslins can totally and finally defeat Radical Muslins. We can't do it without them.

I have my doubts it will ever happen, but there are Muslin parts of the world that we never hear about because they do not have this problem.

the problem of course, is that there are TWO different muslim worlds. Shi'a and Sunni. They hate each other more than they hate us. This has been going on for over 1300 years. There will be no settlement between the two of them in our life time, and much of what we see today with all this islamic terrorism, is a continuation of that fight.
