My wifes family is Lebanese. Her great grandfather and his brothers immigrated into the country there around the time of the revolution. The family story is that he was a gun smuggler for Villa. He would come up into texas and louisiana to "procure" guns for the revolution and get them back into mexico. When things started going south, the family members that were actually living in mexico, were told to "never come back" .

They moved into south louisiana and did well for themselves as "wholesalers".

There are a few pictures of him done up with sabers and guns sitting horseback on her grandfathers wall , I'll see if i can get a few to post next time i'm there.

Rabid Creedmoorians ring my doorbell ...
as I open it a crack they speak :
"Do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior , 6.5Creed?"