A fine artist's brush? How long does it take to do a whole rifle? smile

For Oxpho I pretty much follow the directions. I start with 00 steel wool for the first pass and kinda scrub it in. Then it's thick cotton patches unless a problem develops and then it's back to steel wool. You really don't need to de-oil the steel wool but I do anyway just because it feels right.

Brownell's updated the instructions over the years as comments from users came in. Haven't checked for a while but they used to have comprehensive instructions on their web site including how-to videos. They want you to get great results so they can sell more.

Actually for a revolver I think I'd try their Dicropan T-4 blue but might end up with Oxpho anyway. I don't like Formula 44/40 which, by the way, was not developed by Brownell's.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.