Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper

Which one did you consider the most consistent with your perception of The Truth, and how much of that belief system did you consider inconsistent with The Truth?

I find the teachings of the SDA church to at least be the most consistent with the words written in the Bible.

As to what I consider to be the Truth?

I have not been bashful in stating that I have no faith. I hold no belief in the supernatural.

I believe that most men need the comfort which comes from a belief in something greater than their mere mortal existence.

And I believe all religions have been created by men to exploit that need.

At least ancient Judaism had the benefit of securing the health and well being of the tribe. It was the most benign, at least to the Jews, of any religion I am aware of.

I do thoroughly enjoying discussions such as this thread. As I love to explore the belief system of others.

I hope none have felt slighted by my questions or comments, as that is never my intention. I deeply respect those with deep religious convictions when they live by those convictions. As I am sure the major contributors to this thread do.

I can respect that.

A few years ago while I was in school as a result of a project I have a very rich data set covering economic data for every country in the world. I thought it would be fun to throw in religion as a variable and see what happened.

In terms of per capital GDP Atheist scored the best, with Judaism coming in second well ahead of third place, Christianity. Of the major religions, Islam came in last, just ahead of head hunters, and people who throw virgins into volcano's.

Beliefs matter. The more false beliefs a civilization follows, the worse their quality of life.

Last edited by antelope_sniper; 09/24/16.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell