Telecom huh (me too)

OK -

Just keep extending the circuit like you have been but keep in mind 14 ga is only good for 15 amps. The "best practice" today is to keep lights and outlets separated so if you pop a fuse your not walking around in the dark. I.E. - I would not recommend putting power outlets before or after the light switch on the circuit.

lights always go in parrellel vs. series - so you have it right. If you get stuck and have questions PM me.

The Home Depot book on wiring is pretty good, look for it next to the electrical hand tool by where the conduit rack is. They were going to stop publishing them, so I'm not sure if they still have them.

BTW - what ever you do, don't hire KC for the job. Sounds like he had a bad episode with a string of Christmas lights when he was young smile.
