Sakoluvr: The last three years I have been Hunting Whitetailed Deer very near to my home (3 miles!) here in SW Montana.
I killed a 10 point in 2,013, a 10 point in 2,014 and last year (2,015) I finally killed a dandy "bucket list" 12 point (6x6!) Whitetail.
I have been a Mule Deer Hunter all my life though and often (every year!) drove 950 to 1,250 miles to Hunt them - this was when I lived in the Puget Sound country and drove to Utah, Wyoming, southeast Idaho and southeast Montana to Hunt.
Once the Mule Deer populations get back to "Huntable numbers" (IMO!) over in eastern Montana I will return to my normal haunts for them and drive the now 450 to 550 miles to do so.
I enjoy driving - other than the expense.
Good luck to everyone this season.
Hold into the wind