Trump got caught up in his own rhetoric and protecting his ego on the subject of a rigged election.

He should have just defected the question by stating, "Sure I plan on accepting the results. I plan on mopping up the directorial map with her. Will Sec Clinton accept my victory?"

But that was just one of several instances where he should have parried the question and put it back on Hillary.

Another was the question about the women accusers. He should have denied that he did anything and quickly offer the stage to Clinton to apologize to the numerous women who's lives she help destroy who have accused her husband of sexual assault and rape.

Or on the abortion issue (which I think he did okay on) he should have turned to Hill and asked if she would have felt if Chelsea have killed her grandchildren in the 9th month of her pregnancy. Or, as I said here before, ask her when did Chelsea go from being a choice to a child.

But he didn't...

But he can't.

Carpe' Scrotum