Originally Posted by Seafire
Separate Bank accounts show that a man is in control....

dual bank account shows'the little woman' is in control...

like my first wife thought... every thing she made was hers and everything I made that she could get ahold of was hers also.

actually it was my mom who demanded I share ALL of my money with my wife, because it showed I "respected women"

after two years of that I told mom to get bent.

I guess I'm fortunate. We've never had separate accounts and I have always taken care of the finances. My wife is pretty frugal and loves to hit the thrift stores. I haven't had to buy a new pair of jeans or new work shirts in years. She's always finding great deals on new clothes in the thrift stores.

In 26 years I can count the number of arguments we've had over finances on one hand. But then I've always made sure she didn't have to worry about having enough for the household budget and have always made sure she had as much she wanted for "stuff". She also doesn't make a fuss about my frequent gun purchases.

The last gun thing she got wound up about was 20 years ago when I bought a Ransom Rest with the windage base and several inserts for $150 at a yard sale. We were pretty tight back then for money so I could see her angst but it was too good a deal to pass up. We laugh about it now.

Chronographs, bore scopes and pattern boards have broke a lot of hearts.