Originally Posted by saddlesore
Originally Posted by rost495
I'm not of the theory that a good snake is a dead snake. Same goes for varmints.

When they are to many we shoot some.

In the meantime some of the most fun I've spent is watching them mouse.

Just killing every varmint you see doesn't work for me. But YMMV.

Pretty much the same with me.I have come to the age that I don't need to kill everything that moves out there

That's something I did miss - we have way, way too many yotes where I hunt.. in places that don't have yotes i watch them too.

A few years back a pack of yotes tried to drive me off a deer I was gutting in the dark even though I had my truck headlights shinning on the deer in the middle of a corn field.
The place is hard to access without the yotes knowing it - so it's definitely shoot'em when you see them there. If it was closer I may trap, but that isn't an option.