That article should be re-labeled "what not to do".

It is pretty obvious after reading that "article" that the author is another internet "expert" who self appointed himself the title.

There are a schit-ton of things completely ate up with the article, and I honestly don't feel like going through it point by point.

Just a couple of notables: He refers to the Marine's M24s. The U.S. Army issues the M24, not the Marines.

His body position alone indicates that he is clueless. In every picture, he is canted, at an angle away from the rear of his rifle, and attempting to control his rifle with his shoulder, as well as holding the forend, or gripping the top of the scope.

He then blathers on about not holding the front of the rifle, and how everyone else is doing it wrong.

If he was oriented properly, as straight as possible, inline behind his rifle, and using his whole body to absorb the recoil of the rifle instead of a small portion of his shoulder, he would not need to worry about holding the top of his scope or gripping the forend.

Frankly, the guy is clueless.


The Tikka T3 in .308 Winchester is the Glock 19 of the rifle world.

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