Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
Look at how the election went. Even factoring in a lot of cheating by the commies, lots of people voted for Hillary. It isn't a one-to-one thing, but a lot of those same people are supporting the protestors. It's low to no information voting and protesting along with fake news.

"Buffalo magically appeared to support the protestors,". Etc.

A lot of people are mad about the bs about the water in Flint too. This ties in with that in their minds.

Fences were cut to let those buffalo through and some had to be shot, resulting in losses to the owners. I have quite a few friends in the immediate area and they are very exasperated with the outside influence that is being a pain in the butt. The bishop of the Western North Dakota Synod of the ELCA even issued a response to the ELCA Presiding Bishop's statement which speaks to the detrimental effect the protests are having on the local residents and economy - which is contrary to the Presiding Bishop's call to action on this front. It must be one heck of a mess up there.


"Daddy, can you sometime maybe please go shoot a water buffalo so we can have that for supper? Please? And can I come along? Does it taste like deer?"
- my 3-year old daughter smile